Naya Coder Girls: Project Demo Naya Yatra Pvt Ltd. (naya) in collaboration with Women Development Society (WODES) provides training/internship opportunity for 20 selected girls through the 'Coder Girls Program' this year. The 3 … + 8 more
Naya Naya's English to Nepali Converter Plugin Here at Naya we believe that innovation is the key to the betterment of ... well everything. Innovation is a key strategic driver at our Company. We are constantly exploring ...
Naya Coder Girls: Internship program details JavaScript is undoubtedly the most essential web programming language. The web is full of great examples of JavaScript being used to bring a website to life and provide great user experiences.[…
Naya Coder Girls: Internship Program Empowering programmer girls through real-world based practical education: Women Development Society (WODES, and Naya Yatra Pvt. Ltd. ( is introducing a 3 month internship …
Naya Version 3.0 Release Notes is constantly working towards improving your online experience. We are thus delighted to announce version 3.0 of There are many changes in this update. Following are the most …