Notes Hydrostatic equilibrium Hydrostatic equilibrium is an important concept in the study of stars. It refers to the balance between the inward force of gravity and the outward force of pressure that determines ...
Notes Pressure exerted by the star Stars emits electromagnetic radiation of all possible wavelength because of thermonuclear fusion reaction at the core. Hydrogen and helium, which are the main byproducts of big bang nucleosynthesis, …
Notes Nuclear Cross section When projectile particles bombard with the target nucleus, these are different possible ways of removing of particles from incident beam. The particles ray be scattered or may be absorbed by ...
Notes Legrendre Transformation In Lagrangian formulation,The partial derivative of L with respect to qi means a derivative taken with all q's and q̇ 's constant. But in Hamilton's principle (Hamilton's approach) q's ...
Notes Dirichlet's condition Dirichlet's condition is a mathematical condition used in the study of Fourier series. Specifically, it is a sufficient condition for the convergence of a Fourier series to the function it ...
Notes Q value of a Nuclear reaction The Q value of a Nuclear reaction is the energy either absorbed or released during a nuclear reaction. Let us consider a nuclear reaction,a + X -> Y + ...
Notes Shell model In nuclear physics, the shell model is a theoretical model used to explain the properties of atomic nuclei. The model is based on the idea that nucleons (protons and neutrons) ...
Notes Nuclear Physics Binding Energy : According to Heisenberg atomic model, the nucleus contains protons and neutrons and electrons revolve round the nucleus in different atomic orbits. The experimentally measured mass …