Angular distribution of Power

The angular distribution of power, often referred to as the radiation pattern or angular response, is a concept commonly used in the fields of physics, engineering, and electronics. It describes how the power radiated or received by an antenna, light source, or any other radiating system is distributed in space as a function of the direction or angle from the source.

The radial component of poynting vector,

Substituting for Ea²

The product s.n gives the energy radiated per sec per unit area at an observation at time t which is emitted by the accelerated charge in time 't'(retarded time). The energy that cross an area element da at the observation point in time dt is

And energy per unit solid angle is

Let dP(t')/ dΩ be the power emitted by the charge per unit solid angle. Then energy emitted by the charge in time dt is dP(t')/ dΩ dt'. If there is no loss of energy received in time dt by observer so

On substituting we get

There are two cases

1. Linear motion

2. Circular motion

1. Linear motion: In the linear motion,

The emitted power per solid angle

In the limit 𝛽 -> 0

The total power P obtained by integrating over solid angle.

This formula provides a simplified insight into the power radiated by an oscillating charge under certain conditions. It has certain importance.

  1. Theory of Electromagnetic Radiation: The formula is derived from the theory of electromagnetic radiation, which is a fundamental concept in physics. Understanding how electromagnetic waves are generated and propagate is crucial in fields such as electrodynamics and quantum mechanics.

  2. Radiation from Accelerated Charges: The formula describes how power is radiated when electric charges undergo acceleration. This is a key principle in electromagnetism and is related to phenomena like antennas, radio waves, and the behaviour of charged particles in particle accelerators.

  3. Antenna Design and Performance: In the field of telecommunications and radio frequency engineering, the understanding of radiation patterns and the power radiated by antennas is vital for designing and optimizing communication systems. Antenna engineers use radiation patterns to create directional antennas for better signal coverage.

  4. Wireless Communication: In wireless communication, such as cellular networks, the angular distribution of power is crucial for optimizing the coverage area and ensuring efficient signal transmission. Engineers use this knowledge to design networks that provide reliable and widespread coverage.

  5. Radio Astronomy: Radio astronomers use radiation patterns to understand and interpret signals received from distant celestial objects. The distribution of power from these objects can reveal important information about their nature, location, and movement.

  6. Particle Accelerators: In the field of high-energy particle physics, understanding the power radiated by accelerated charged particles is essential for designing and analyzing particle accelerators like synchrotrons and linear accelerators.

  7. Quantum Electrodynamics: The formula is related to quantum electrodynamics, a fundamental theory in quantum physics that describes the behaviour of electromagnetic fields and charged particles. This theory is critical for understanding the behaviour of matter and energy at the quantum level.

  8. Experimental Physics: In experimental physics, the angular distribution of power and radiation patterns play a significant role in designing and interpreting experiments involving charged particles and electromagnetic radiation.

  9. Advanced Technologies: Understanding how power is radiated by oscillating charges is critical in the development and optimization of technologies that involve electromagnetic radiation, such as medical imaging, satellite communication, and radar systems.

  10. Fundamental Physics: This formula is based on fundamental principles of electromagnetism and plays a role in advancing our understanding of the laws governing the behaviour of electric and magnetic fields.

Engineers and researchers use tools like pattern graphs, antenna simulation software, and measurement techniques to characterize and optimize the angular distribution of power in practical applications.

This note is a part of the Physics Repository.