१८ फागुन २०८०

प्रेस वक्तव्य

आज १ मार्च, बारुदी सुरुंग प्रतिबन्ध सन्धि बाध्यात्कारी भएको दिनको उपलक्ष्यमा बारुदी सुरुंग प्रतिबन्ध अभियान नेपाल सवैमा हार्दिक बधाई तथा शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्न चाहन्छ ।

बिश्वका सरकारहरु र नागरिकहरुको सामुहिक प्रयासबाट आएको यो दिनको कारणबाट १६४ वटा राष्ट्रहरु सन्धिको पक्षराष्ट्र बनिसकेकाछन् । सन्धिको माध्यमबाट राज्यपक्षहरुको प्रतिवद्धता र बाध्यात्कारी व्यवस्थाको कार्यान्वयनले बिश्वमा हजारौं नागरिकहरुको जीवन बचाउन सफल भएकोछ, पीडितहरुलाई विभिन्न रुपको सहायता गर्न, जोखिम शिक्षा संचालन गर्न, प्रभावित जमिनलाई सुरक्षित गरी पुनः प्रयोगमा ल्याउन, भण्डारनमा रहेको करोडौं बारुदी सुरुंगहरु नष्ट गर्न सफल भएकोछ ।

२५ बर्ष पहिले आजको दिन निसस्त्रीकरणको प्रयासको सफलतमा एक आयाम थपेको दिन मान्नु पर्दछ । जुन दिन सन्धि बाध्यात्कारी बन्यो र हजारौं मानिसहरुले सामना गरिरहेको चुनौतीहरुलाई सामना गर्ने सामूहिक लक्ष्य बन्यो । त्यो दिनको लागि अथक योगदान दिने विश्वका सरकारहरु र नागरिक समाजलाई हामी आभार प्रकट गर्दछौं जसले निरन्तर रुपमा बारुदी सुरुंगको प्रयोग, उत्पादन, ओसार पसार र भण्डारनको पूर्ण प्रतिबन्धको निम्ति काम गरिरहेकोछ ।

नेपालको सन्दर्भमा यो सन्धिको आलोकले सशस्त्र व्दन्दलाई समाप्त पार्न गरेको बिस्तृत शान्ति सम्झौता (२००६) मा बारुदी सुरुंगको प्रयोग, ओसार पसार, भण्डारन र उत्पादन सम्बन्धि विषय समाबेश हुन सकेको छ । उक्त सम्झौता अनुसार नेपालले माईन एक्सनका जिम्मेवारीहरु पूरा गर्न सहयोग र प्रेरणा मिलेकोछ । व्दन्दको क्रममा बिछ्याईएको ८३ माईन र ३४१ आईडि फिल्डहरु सफा गर्नुको साथै संकलन गरिएका हजारौं बिष्फोटक पदार्थहरु नष्ट गरी प्रभावित जमिन पुन प्रयोगमा ल्याउन सकेकोछ । त्यसको फलस्वरुप बिसं २०६८ जेष्ठमा नेपाललाई माईनमुक्त घोषणा गर्न सम्भव भयो । आजको यो दिनको उपलक्ष्यमा यो संस्था माईन एक्सनका सवै सरोकारवालाहरु प्रति धन्यवाद दिँदै नेपाललाई सुन्य माईन, सुन्य पीडित बनाउने लक्ष्यको निम्ति सबै पक्ष निरन्तर रुपमा अगाडी बढ्न हार्दिक आव्हान गर्दछ ।

चुनौतीहरु अझैछन् । २०६८ जेष्ठमा नेपाल माईनमुक्त घोषणा भएको दिन भन्दा यता दुई दर्जन भन्दा व्यक्तिको मृत्यु र सय भन्दा बढी घाईते भएकाछन् । यसमा तीन बर्षको बालिका लगायत ९५ प्रतिशत भन्दा बढी नागरिकहरु प्रभावित बनेकाछन् । यो क्रम जारीछ । पीडितहरुको निम्ति न्याय, पुनस्थार्पना र पुन एकीकरणमा ढीलाई भईरहेकोछ । संकेत चिन्ह र तार बार नलगाईएको बिष्फोटक पदार्थहरुले कुन बेला कसलाई प्रभाव पार्ने हो भन्ने चिन्ता नागरिकहरुको मन र मस्तिष्कबाट हट्न सकेकोछैन । जोखिम शिक्षा संचालन नियमित र प्रभावकारी रुपले हुन सकेकोछैन । समस्यालाई वार्ता र कानूनी तरिकाले समाधान गर्नु भन्दा पनि बिभिन्न नाममा बिष्फोटक पदार्थको प्रयोग गरिरहेकाछन् ।

यो परिस्थितिमा सरकार बढी जिम्मेवार भएर बारुदी सुरुंग प्रतिबन्ध सन्धिको पक्षराष्ट्र बनी सन्धिका प्रावधानहरु पूरा गर्न यो संस्था सरकारसंग जोडदार माग गर्दछ ।

1 March_Treaty into Force Day 2024

Press Statement

On the occasion of the Treaty into Force Day of the Mine Ban Treaty, Ban Landmine Campaign Nepal (NCBL) would like to express its warmest congratulations and best wishes to everyone.

This day is testament to the collective efforts of civil society, governments and citizens of the world, where 164 countries have become parties to the treaty . Through the treaty, the commitment of state parties have helped implement the provisions, and succeeded in saving the lives of thousands of people throughout the world: providing various forms of assistance to the victims, conducting risk education, clearing mines from thousands of hectares of contaminated land, and destroying millions of landmines in storage.

25 years ago, a new dimension was added to global disarmament efforts, adding a new chapter to the efforts of both governmental and non-governmental organizations across the globe in the field of Mine Action. The Treaty into Force Day became a collective goal to address the challenges faced by thousands of people. The organization would like to thank to all the governments and civil societies worldwide that have worked tirelessly and contributed to the banning of the use, production, and transfer and stockpiling of anti-personnel landmines.

In the light of this treaty, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (2006), which brought an end to the ten years of armed conflict in Nepal, also sought to address the issues related to the use, production, transfer, and of landmines and IEDs in Nepal.

According to the agreement, Nepal had both support to conduct such activities and the obligation to fulfill these responsibilities of mine action. In addition to clearing 83 mine and 341 IED fields laid during the conflict, thousands of explosives that were stockpiled have been destroyed, and the contaminated land has been brought back into use. As a result, Nepal was declared to be mine-free in 2011. On the occasion of that momentous day, this organization thanks all the stakeholders of mine action and sincerely invites all parties to continue to move forward towards the goal of having ‘zero mines zero victims’ in Nepal.

Of course, challenges still remain and there is much that still remains to be done. Since the day Nepal was declared mine-free in 2011, more than two dozen people have died and more than a hundred have been injured. Among them more than 95 percent are civilians; this includes a three-year-old girl. Each time we hear of another such incident it reminds us all of all that however much we have overcome, there still remains a vestige of that threat remaining out there, dormant, deadly, and waiting for its next victim. Furthermore, justice, rehabilitation and reintegration for the victims have been slow processes. There is fear and uncertainty in the minds of civilians, of the ever present risk of who and when someone will be victimized by abandoned explosives of that past conflict, not covered with signs and wire fences, but by green verdure. Risk education has not been conducted regularly or effectively to mitigate this. New armed groups have also been using explosives, under the guise of political activities. All of these issues have to be addressed for the people of Nepal to feel truly safe.

In this situation, NCBL strongly requests the government to become a party to the Landmine Ban Treaty, and to fulfill the provisions of the treaty.

Eradicate Landmines, Empower Lives

No excuses, no exceptions, no delays!