Indra Jaatra, Kathmandu, Durbar Square. Kathmandu's major festival held over 8 days in August or September according to the Lunar calendar; the Saita (the most auspicious starting time) is determined by a priest. On the third day the Kumari festival begins. Kumaris' (living goddess) golden chariot is prepared and she is lifted into it for the procession which takes 3 days mainly around the south of the city. Her chariot is followed by the wooden chariots of of Bairab and Ganesha (living Gods). In front of the Kumari's chariot the Mahakali and Laakhe dance is performed, along with the dances of many other indigenous groups. The King (now deposed), prime minister and all important heads of state come to see Kumari's chariot, to pay homage to her and to receive blessing. These are the only days of the year when anyone can see the Kumari in her chariot and the only day that the populace can see the King. Recorded in Tripureshwor, 1931.