Kal Bhairab

A greater than life size figure of Bhairab standing upon the prostate body of an evil doer, guarded by two stone Lions. The extremely dynamic & terrifying image of Bhairab, the stone figure stands about 10 feet high. It is said to be found lying face down in Ranibari while digging a drain to bring water to Hanuman Dokha. Miraculously found as all statues which are believed that "rise from the earth" or "fallen from the heavens". Pratap Malla brought & established the statue here.

The Bhairab is more roughly carved which is slightly bent at the knees, has six arms standing triumphantly upon a demon or the body of evil doer, two hands are held before the chest in a rather benign gesture, two hand at right hold a "Trident" and a long black "Sword". and the hand at left hold a "Chakra" and three dismembered heads which dangle by their hair. The gods ornament includes a long garland of human heads & his crown is marked by four human skulls & central male face. Instead of ear rings snakes writhe from his ears and coil about his neck, and thus the eyes stare forth in a frightening white-rimmed expression. The teeth are also white but the red face marking and brows are more prominent.

The image played a major role during the Malla period. It was a common belief that people accused of cheating or lying were brought before the Bhairab to swear their innocence, anybody who lied before the image would die by vomiting blood.

Bhairab represents the awesome, destructive forces of Lord Shiva. Mythologies say that Shiva manifested himself in Bhairav form to kill his father-in-law, "Daksha"., just to avenge the death of his wife which was caused by the latter insulting him.

The image still stands high and proud at Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square.