Notes on Young Women Leadership Building Program

Women Development Society organized an open event in the form of a picnic with a group of young women aiming to build young women's leadership building skills. During the program, various activities were conducted such as dance, singing, public speaking, poems and sports and the young women were able to share their feelings and thoughts with each other. During an evaluation of the program, the participants expressed their views on the fact that young women should not be limited to the house and household chorus and that every young woman has a right to entertainment. Through entertainment, young women can learn many things and can keep their mental and physical health. With the help of the program, they can get more knowledge and be better informed.

The most important thought they shared was that "Nothing is impossible" and they committed to continuing their work as members of Young Women for Change. If we come together, we can share. If we share we can gain our strength. If we have strength we can gain our success.