A Symposium on Organic Farming and Rehabilitation of Degraded Land after the Catastrophic Earthquake
Women Development Society organized a symposium on Organic Farming and Rehabilitation of Degraded Land after the Catastrophic Earthquake. In the occasion experts from various sectors presented their views on the theme. With the objectives of sharing information about the initiatives of WODES on sustainable organic farming, rehabilitation of degraded Land and develop planning of housing settlement after the Earthquake.WODES shared information on various activities on advocacy and sensitization programs through mass meetings, community members meetings and establishment of 18 CBOs and 2 cooperatives, supporting seed and land development, supporting to improve livestock productivity and services, establishing community based cattle breeding center, establishing forage and plantation resource centers, Promoting users friendly water harvesting methods and technology, construction of rainwater harvesting ponds, support to drip irrigation, support to small irrigation /drinking water schemes, human and institutional development through training, exposure visits, practical training, meetings and seminars.
WODES shared it achievements and lessons learned from the activities. Such as: Achievements • Educated target groups about Organic Farming • Educate target group about the bad impact in whole ecosystem by Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides, • Woman, ethnic and tribal group are empowered. • Water harvesting method’s improved. • Educating the villagers about importance of Soil testing and its improvement through usage of Agro-lime. • Manufacturing of bio- fertilizers. • Usage of Drip Irrigation in Target area. • Knowledge and Skill gained from Experts and exposure visits as well. • Usage of Urine as bio-fertilizers. • Students are motivated to Organic Farming. • Community/Private and Lease hold Forestry are indicating positive sign of improvements.
Lesson learned
• Organic farming’s, an indigenous knowledge before the use of chemical fertilizers is preferable. • Water harvesting technology has been preferred more by the Farmers. • New technology in farming such as Tractors, Drip Irrigation, and Tunnels brought significant improvements in Organic Farming. • Traditional farming is slowly being converted into Vocational Farming. • Community farming is possible through co-operatives. • Qualitative product is preferred to quantitative product. • Hybrid is preferred instead of Local breeds in Cattle breeding. • Farming tendencies has been changed i.e.; more land less production to less land more production. • People want their children to have technical education. • People will be exponentially aroused by small grants or initiatives from the States/ government. • Programs launched by GO/NGO’s aren’t trusted by the people at hand. • Just learning is difficult to change into habit. • It took time to convince the farmers and support the programs. • Resettlement after the earthquake has been a great challenge in the process of reconstructing village.